Sunday, May 11, 2008

Mother's Day

Mother's Day, 2008.

First day of the family blog. There are three of us: Linden, E Ben, and Unborn Baby. We celebrated Mother's Day today with Oatmeal Pancakes, Gardening, and plenty of Quality Time with Mother In Law, in from New York.

Cornett & Company, the title comes from a general store and stagecoach outfit, once located in Prineville, Oregon and operated by my kin. The Cornetts are long gone from Prineville by now, but a few of us still remain in corners of the state.

Happy Mother's Day to all our mothers. Linden celebrated by waking me up at 6 this morning with a whispered, "Wake up, I'm bored!" The day went spendidly, with light showers and sunbreaks. Parenthood is upon us! More on that later.

Man, this blogging thing is pretty fun! I'll introduce myself on another day, but today is all about the Mothers. Thanks, Mom, for all the feedings, diaper changes, and general rearing. I am looking forward to returning the favor to your grandchild.

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