We spent the night and drove home the next morning after a huge breakfast. There was an enormous amount of snow at our house, and more forecasted for overnight, so we were concerned that we wouldn't be able to make it to the airport the next morning for our 6am flight. So we unpacked from Christmas and packed for New York in less than two hours. Did I mention that I was sick? And that E Ben had to do almost everything himself? We got our luggage full of laundry down the hill just as the freezing rain started, and spent a pleasant evening with Jen, Andy, and Brady, playing a homegrown version of Sex and the City trivia.
The next morning, we woke up bright and early and made it to the airport in time to skip the huge lines (go Delta Medallion!) and be upgraded to first class. Once we got on the plane, however, we had to wait for over three hours waiting to be de-iced. We found out later that we were lucky - the de-icer broke after it finished with our plane and the rest of the flights out didn't make it. It was about a hundred degrees on the airplane, and we had to take all of Jude's clothes off and put him up by the air vents to keep him from screaming from the heat. Once we took off, he slept for most of the flight, but then we had to wait an hour on the tarmac at JFK for a gate to open up. We made it to Locust Valley late that night after too many hours of travel to count. And we had it easy compared to most travelers this holiday season...
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