Friday, August 8, 2008

38 Weeks

We had our 38-week appointment today and the baby is making some progress towards being born. I'm now 80% effaced and 1cm dilated. Two weeks ago I was 60% effaced and not dilated. My doctor is now on vacation for the next 10 days, so we're hoping The Boy will hold off until at least August 18th. It's hard to say, but 1cm dilated is not much - labor can still be weeks away.

Here are a couple of photos of me from this afternoon:

Comparing with last week's photo, I think the belly looks smaller and lower, which is a good sign the baby has started dropping. Also, I've lost about a pound in the past week, which is a common precursor to giving birth. So, we shall see! I've noticed a lot more swelling in my hands and feet recently, and my fingers are feeling numb sometimes. It's temporary carpal tunnel due to the swelling, and should go away after the baby is born. I've also started having some different kinds of contractions - more in my low back and low belly - which are closer to "real" contractions rather than Braxton-Hicks.

Our past week has been pretty nice. We've gotten a lot of work done around the house, spent a day on Sauvie Island canoeing and beaching, played games with friends, and saw E Ben's mom a few times. Also I managed to go swimming a couple of times and we walked down to the Rose Gardens to listen to the free concerts a couple of evenings. Tomorrow is our five-year wedding anniversary, and we're planning to go over to the park where we were married for a picnic breakfast. We usually go before dinner, but since it's a Saturday, there will probably be someone else's wedding going on, which kind of ruins the mood.

I also got the good news this morning that my paid leave has been approved! There was some question because usually the paid leave starts at 38 weeks, not 36 weeks. So that was a welcome phone call!

My mom arrives on Monday for a three-week visit. With any luck, the baby will be born while she is here. After so much waiting, it seems like the end is coming so quickly. We're enjoying these last days of relative calm in our house, but at the same time can't wait to see our baby finally!

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